Turf Preparation & Installation
Tips to help you get the most out of your new lawn!
Turf Preparation & Installation
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Preparations costs depend on:
the amount of work required at the site (such as weed and debris removal)
ability to access the site
levelling and draining requirements
irrigation requirements
additional soil needs
01 DIY Turf Preparation
There are a few tools you need to make the process fun and easy.
There are a few tools you need to make the process fun and easy.
The importance of preparing the site for your new lawn can never be overemphasised.
If you are preparing your yard yourself, first make sure you eliminate all existing weeds, grasses, and rock debris.
To avoid drainage issues, ensure the soil gradient slopes away from paths and buildings.
When preparing, be sure your soil type is suitable for your new lawn and ensure you have enough soil – at least 50mm to 100mm deep – before laying.
02 What Equipment Will You need?
General equipment needed.
Hoe or sprayer– Before installing you will need a hoe or sprayer to eliminate all existing weeds and grasses.
Wheelbarrow and shovel– A wheelbarrow and shovel will help remove old lawn and debris.
Rake and roller– To ensure a smooth even soil site use a rake and roller to prepare the site.
Spirit level– Also, use a spirit level to ensure the gradient of the soil is sloping away from paths and buildings.
03Measuring Your Lawn
Take time to measure correctly.
When buying your new lawn use our simple guide to calculate the amount of turf rolls you need to cover a specified area – but here are some easy methods to follow.
04 How to Lay Turf
Simple tips to make laying easier.
It is essential to lay your new lawn as soon as it arrives.
First lightly moisten the soil and then begin installing following the longest straight line such as a fence or paver.
Lay turf in a brick pattern (stagger joins) ensuring that each join is tightly bound together with no overlapping. To trim corners use a shovel or large sharp knife. Once your new lawn is completely laid, use a roller to ensure soil to turf contact.
05 Caring for Your New Turf
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Tips to get the best out of your lawn
It is essential you undertake measures to keep your new lawn healthy.
The highest requirement for watering a new lawn is in the first week.
Watering your new lawn can then be reduced as the following week’s progress and the root system has established.
New lawns which are laid during the heat of summer require the most water – up to 4 times a day in the first week.
In warmer weather (high 20°s to early 30°s Celsius) new lawn needs to be watered less frequently – 3 times a day.
If laid in cooler weather the new lawn requires less water again – as low as 1 – 2 watering’s a day
During cool rainy weather, no extra watering of the new lawn is required in addition to what it is already being naturally received from the rain.
If you lay your new lawn in cooler conditions – just remember it will take a bit longer to establish – so be patient!
06 Maintaining your Lawn
Maintaining a new lawn is crucial.
Just a few minutes every day will help it establish well and ensure your investment thrives!
A new lawn needs lots of TLC but most importantly water – never let the ground dry out.
Keep all foot traffic off the new lawn until it has fully rooted – meaning you cannot pull the new turf back on itself.
Only mow your new lawn once your roots are firmly established (approx 6-8 weeks) and be sure to not mow too short.
From watering to mowing, thatching & weed control, there is a lot to consider when maintaining your new or existing lawn.
07 Watering your Lawn
The best time to water your lawn is early in the morning before it gets hot.
Most of the water will make it to the roots and the grass blades will dry quickly, preventing disease problems.
The rule to remember is infrequent and deep watering is preferable for your lawn because the roots will only grow as deeply as its most frequently available water is supplied.
08 Mowing your Lawn
Proper lawn mowing heights are important for all lawn types, and especially for Buffalo grasses such as Palmetto, Sapphire & Prestige.
The differences in mowing heights for Buffalo grasses can mean big differences in lawn health, thatch control and water usage.
Normal weekly mowing is the rule, but some lawns need cutting more often.
Some lawns, such as Zoysias, grow more slowly and might need cutting only once every 10 days or two weeks.
09 Fertilising your Lawn
Your Lawn is a living thing and it needs to be fed, just like you.
Therefore, fertilisers create a healthy, maintained lawn which is pleasing to the eye.
Regular fertilising of your lawn helps to keep it strong, healthy, and green.
Each different turf variety requires different levels of fertiliser applications, but the rule of thumb is to fertilise each season.
Alternately fertilise by feeding three times a year – early spring, winter, early summer and mid to late autumn.